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Introduction to Dynamic Templates

This guide discusses various features provided in the SendGrid Dynamic Templates.

SendGrid Dynamic Templates are important for several reasons:

  1. Consistency: Email templates ensure consistency in messaging across all your email communications. This helps to establish credibility.
  2. Time-saving: Email templates save time and effort in creating emails from scratch. You can simply customise the template with your content and branding, and send it out quickly.
  3. Personalisation: SendGrid templates allow for personalisation, which is essential for effective email communication. You can include personalised information like customer name, location, and other details to make the email more relevant to the recipient.
  4. A/B Testing: SendGrid templates provide an easy way to conduct A/B testing, where you can test different email variations to determine which one performs better. This helps you to optimise your email messaging for better results.
  5. Accuracy: Templates eliminate the risk of sending incorrect messages or failing to include essential components that could result in potentially awkward or significant consequences.

In this guide, we will look at five aspects:

  1. How to create a Dynamic Template - Covered in Chapter 1
  2. How to design a template with Static modules - Covered in Chapter 1
  3. How to use substitution for dynamic values like recipient name - Covered in Chapter 2
  4. How to use conditional statements for displaying information based on conditions - Covered in Chapter 3
  5. How to use iterations for displaying an array of data in emails - Covered in Chapter 4